At the heart of almost every problem in sales is this: it’s misunderstood.
This week’s video explains the consequences of this misunderstanding and how to change it completely to grow your sales next year.
We think of sales as pushy, manipulative and unethical. None of us at school, college or university thinks: I want to be in sales.
Those of us ending up in sales fall into it.
Then the next problem occurs: how we’re trained.
“We hired you because you can talk to people – so do it!”
Or: “Go sit with Bob and copy what he does.”
If we’re going to attract more talent into sales, keep them in sales and help them succeed, 2 things must change:
The perception of sales
The training of sales
We have spent 15 years helping people sell honestly, consistently and confidently.
At the heart of what we do are 2 beliefs:
Sales = Helping people make good buying decisions. We do this best by finding out the truth about their needs
Sales is a learnable skill with structures (not scripts) that can be adapted to suit each person’s own authentic voice
Over 10,000 people have now been trained to sell successfully through our 4-point methodology: The E.A.S.Y. Sales Structure.
At the same time, we’ve helped each of them think again about the fundamentals of sales and the very essence of their role.
Even people with 20+ years of sales experience now see sales in a different light and understand how to be more consistent.
To change how we do sales, we must first change how we think of sales.