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True Sales Academy

Reframe Sales: Think Differently to Sell More


Are you looking for sales tips and techniques to help you sell better? If you feel awkward when selling, then more sales tools will make you more comfortable, right?




You can find plenty of sales tips and techniques but that’s not the real problem.


Check out our latest video for the real solution to overcoming your obstacles when selling.

Over the last 15 years, as well as thousands of salespeople, I have also worked with business owners, entrepreneurs, franchise owners, sales support staff and hundreds of other people not in a sales role but talking to clients every day.


One of the things they ask for is for tips, tactics, strategies and techniques for more sales. But if they don’t fundamentally change how they think about sales, then they’re unlikely to use the tips we give them anyway.


So, first, we take them back to the essence of why they feel uncomfortable selling.


Is it because they think that selling is making people buy something they don't want to buy, making people do something they don't want to do?


Because if you think that's what sales is, you will be uncomfortable doing it and will avoid it as much as you can no matter how many sales techniques you know.


Let’s re-frame this. Sales – done properly - is helping people make good buying decisions.


It's not forcing anyone. It doesn’t involve pressure tactics. It’s a simple process:

  1. Take time to understand their needs.

  2. If you can help, share how.

  3. If they’d like to proceed, show them the way.


We won’t change how people do sales until we change how people think about sales.


That’s the first step. The tips, tactics and techniques come later.


This fundamental change in your thinking not only changes your success, it also changes how you think about yourself when you’re selling.

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